Ten reasons for you

Ten reasons

Ten key reasons for clients to consider Dinamika BCI managed funds.

Managed investment options

Dinamika’s funds are acitively managed and positions are continuously adjusted to utilise investment opportunities as well as to reduce risk.

Protection against most events

Dinamika follows a top-down investment philosophy to minimise the risk to the client.

Fund information

Continuously adjusted information regarding the strategic and tactical asset allocation and underlying fund managers are provided to and discussed with financial advisors for distribution to their clients.

Support services to participating financial advisors

Dinamika provides the financial advisor and client with market research on Dinamika’s managed funds.

Regulated products

Dinamika will only manage and recommend investment products regulated by the Financial Services Board (FSB).

Contact with Dinamika Fund Managers

Participating financial advisors can contact Dinamika’s Fund Management’s portfolio managers. The Dinamika Fund Management team’s priority is to support the participating advisor and assist him in finding a solution for his client.


There are no additional costs to the participating financial advisor choosing to integrate into the Dinamika network. Dinamika’s revenue is subject to the assets in the Dinamika funds.

Clients’ risk profile

According to the FSB, fund choices must always be in line with the prospective investor’s risk profile and investment objectives. The Dinamika BCI managed funds currently offer investment options for clients with a conservative as well as those with an aggressive risk profile. A balanced fund will eventualy be available.

Financial advisor is better informed

Dinamika Fund Managers, FM research and information distribution allow participating financial advisors to make informed recommendations to clients and to continuously monitor investment performance.

Easy investment process

Easy investment process (continued)

6 Easy steps to invest:

  1. Source of funds
    FICA- + FAIS- compliance documentation.
    Risk profile
  2. Investment platform options
    Glacier from Sanlam
    ABSA Investment Management Services (AIMS)
  3. Investment options + Funds
    Conservative: Dinamika BCI Conservative Funds of Funds (Min. Lump sum: R10 000 of Maandeliks: R500).
    Aggressive: Dinamika BCI Worldwide Flexible Fund (Min. Lump sum: R10 000 of Maandeliks: R500).
    Other funds that Dinamika has done due diligence on.
  4. Transfer of funds
    Direct transfer to investment platform.
    No monies are invested directly with Dinamika or the financial advisor.
  5. Issuing of investment contracts
    Financial advisor received investment contracts:
    – Confirmed as correct.
    – Deliver to client.
  6. Continuous interaction
    Financial advisor receives regular reports on the Dinamika fund performance for distribution to customers.
    Financial advisor and his / her clients can attend Dinamika presentations.


3 days ago

Dinamika Finansiële Dienste
Sleutelredes vir kliënte om Dinamika BCI bestuurde fondse te oorweegVir meer inligting besoek ons webtuistewww.dinamika.co.za#transformationtuesday #dinamika #money #investment #aboutyou ... See MoreSee Less
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4 days ago

Dinamika Finansiële Dienste
Huistoe Herhaal antwoord van gister en jy kan R 10 000 wen 😉😉🤩Luister elke weeksdag vanaf 17:50 om in te skryf in vir die R10 000 prys aan die einde van die jaar😁🤩🤩🎉Jy kan so veel as moontlik deel neem 😉Waarvoor wag jy? 😁 What's app jou antwoord na - 064 508 5882 ... See MoreSee Less
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Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Elliriza Luyt, Remona Steenkamp, Gerhard ErweeDrop a comment to welcome them to our community, @top fans ... See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

Dinamika Finansiële Dienste
Stel u belang om ‘n Finansiële Adviseur te word?By Dinamika Finansiële Dienste het ons poste beskikbaar!Vereistes: -RE5 Sertifikaat en ten minste 120 krediete (nie verpligtend, kan indiens verkry word)-Afrikaans eerste taal-Verkieslik tussen die ouderdomme van 30 en 55 jaar-Kommissie gebaseerd, geen basies-Eie Vervoer, selfoon en rekenaar-Woonagtig in Pretoria of aan die Oos-Rand omgewing sal in u guns telSluit aan by ‘n span wat kliëntediens en langtermyn verhoudings met ons kliente hoog op prys stel. Besoek gerus ons webwerf by www.dinamika.co.zaIndien u voldoen aan die bogenoemde vereistes, stuur asb u CV na - - - - adriaan@dinamika.co.za - - - - NBIndien u nie van ons hoor binne 30 dae nie, beskou asb u aansoek as onsuksesvol ... See MoreSee Less
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6 days ago

Dinamika Finansiële Dienste
#mondaymotivation - "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts". ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Dinamika Finansiële Dienste
Huistoe Herhaal antwoord van gister en jy kan R 10 000 wen 😉😉🤩Luister elke weeksdag vanaf 17:50 om in te skryf in vir die R10 000 prys aan die einde van die jaar😁🤩🤩🎉Jy kan so veel as moontlik deel neem 😉Waarvoor wag jy? 😁 What's app jou antwoord na - 064 508 5882 ... See MoreSee Less
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** We apologise for certain fields which are in Afrikaans on the English page, it is caused by circumstances out of our control

Dinamika Financial Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider - FSP lic. no. 46494